Meet My Family :)

We recently went on a family trip of about 5000 miles and stopped at Mt Rushmore on the way... This is my hubby and myself along with our three youngest kids.  My 17 year old photographer/daughter was doing the shooting and our oldest son is 'out of the nest' now.

We have lived in beautiful Montana for most of our kid's lives so they love the outdoors, and although they are just as any other kids when it comes to PS2's and Xbox games, they are limited as to how much they can play, and the rest of the time they can be outdoors!

We all love outdoorsy stuff as you will see by the pictures below.  From teaching little sister how to handle a gun to golfing on the beach, there are not too many things my kids have not tried.

Teaching Lil Sis the Big Stuff about Hunting...

Trampoline gets used a lot!

..And so does the Quad...

Beach Golfing in Montana

My Biker Hubby

Youth Pastor Son in his office

Outdoor Theatre

My Talented Artsy Daughter... You can see her art at


My Montana, God's Country  - Isn't it Beautiful?!


More of God's Country... :)

